Saturday, August 17, 2013

August Heirlooms.

One of my favorite summer veggies fruits is the heirloom tomato.  Not only are they gorgeous in their reds, oranges, yellows, and greens, but they also taste better than any other tomato you'll find.  A bite of a good heirloom can take me back to summers on grandma & grandpa's farm, eating lunch fresh from the garden.  So so good!

This morning, Whole Foods had an amazing selection at 8 AM, and I, lucky to get there before the crowds, took full advantage of having the pick of the litter!

I could honestly eat one plain and sliced, but one of my favorite go-to recipes is a tomato basil salad.  Perfectly light and end-of-summery :)

Get your heirlooms before the season ends and enjoy!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Golden Years

5 1/2 years.

That's how long I have had this blog.  I can't believe how much has happened and changed in that span of time.  Graduating college, getting engaged, going back to college, marrying my high school sweetheart, getting two lovebug golden retrievers, starting a new career, buying a new home.  Of course, those are just the big things.  I've been blessed with lots of "little things" along the way, memories made, new friendships, new experiences.  I am a strong believer in the little things being what really makes a life, so the last 5 1/2 years have been full of celebrating those little things, too.

A lot changes in 5 1/2 years.  I am certainly not the same person today as I was 5 1/2 years ago, when I was 23, a senior in college, and still had "real-life" ahead of me.  Now, I'm living that real life :)

I thought that now was as good a time as any to open a new chapter of this blog.  What started as my college days of "Vineyard Vogue" evolved into my post-grad, wedding planning & newlywed days of  "Oh, Sweet September".  Each of them chronicled my life during those years and I'm so happy I can look back on those posts to remember the little and big things about those parts of my life.  But now, as I sit comfortably in my late twenties (omg!), it's time to wipe the slate clean, and begin "The Golden Years".

To a new chapter!